Psionics in Sojenka
There are no rules for Psionics in Holmes or Blueholme, but it is such a staple of Pulp fiction and the weird-fantasy concept that I needed to find a way to add it to the milieu.
The Psionics rules in AD & D could be clearer, especially when it comes to Psychic Combat. I decided to analyze some other weird fantasy rules and see what they might have to offer.
Swords and Super-Science of Xuhlan, a sourcebook for Warriors of the Red Planet, has some interesting rules, pared down from AD&D but still cumbersome. The rules have five each of Attack and Defense modes, with a chart showing how the individual abilities fare against the others.
It occurred to me that this could be turned into a more streamlined "mental combat", complete with an attack roll versus a psychic 'armor class'. I changed the results matrix into a table resembling the Weapon vs Armor Class table in the PHB. This simplifies the multiple calculations that Xuhlan uses.
Possessing and manipulating psychic energy requires a minimum score of 11 in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. These scores are added together to determine Psychic Strength. The Psychic Strength score is divided in two for Attack and Defense mode "points". These points are spent to engage in psychic combat, so a bit of bookkeeping is involved.
Notes on Charisma Bonus:
If a PC has an INT of 12, WIS of 12 and CHA of 12 they will have a Psychic Strength of 36.
If this same PC were to have a CHA of 14 they would get a bonus of 20 points for a total of 56.
If a PC has INT 12, WIS 12 and CHA of 17, they would receive a bonus of 40 points & their Psychic Strength would be 76.
The 20 pt & 40 pt bonuses are not cumulative.
The Attack and Defense modes are listed as follows:
A psychically-endowed PC may spend 5 Defense points per day to keep a Thought Shield up, protecting their mind from attack, at all times. If they find themselves in a mental combat, this PC would only be able to use Sensory Wave, Psychic Overload, or Possession as Attack modes for as long as the Thought Shield is up. They would be immune to an attack via Id Penetration.
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