Specialty Clerics - Mithra


Patron Deity Specialties

Each temple has its own special training and techniques, giving clerics of different Patron Deities varying powers, spell lists, and special Class Abilities. As cleric PCs are added to the game, the various deities and their specialties will be added


+1/+3 Reaction Rolls - Strangers/Co-religionists
*Leadership* - A cleric of Mithra may act as a troop officer in the same way as a fighter, but two levels behind. Any troops under the *immediate* command of a cleric of Mithra gain a +1 to morale checks.

- L3: Sergeant
- L4-5: Leftenant
- L6: Captain

Clerics of Mithra are trained in horsemanship and massed combat techniques.
A cleric of L3 or higher in charge of a training regimen may reduce troop training time by 20%. The Cleric must choose a discipline to be "expert" in for such training:
- Infantry, melee
- Infantry, missile
- Cavalry, heavy/shock
- Cavalry, light/missile
