Rules Clarifications

 Additions to the Blueholme rule book will be made here, in order by page number

46.1 Combat Turn

The combat turn is 10 seconds, where each participant may:

  • Cast a spell, while standing still the entire round, OR
  • Move a number of feet equal to their movement rate, and
  • Attack
  • Defend (Set spear or pole weapon to receive a charge)
Actions which must be declared prior to rolling initiative:
  • Charge (+2 to hit) - a PC cannot charge in some terrain or other conditions
  • Close & Attack
  • Casting a spell
  • Missile Fire (bow attacks at 2/round go on DEX 18 & 9)
  • Continue melee
  • Move out of melee range (if in melee, the enemy gets a +2 to hit)
  • Set pole weapon to receive charge (make morale check, if necessary)

47.1 Doors

Status of Doors

2d6 Status

2-7 Free

8-10 Stuck

11-12 Locked

Stuck doors can be opened by rolling 1-2 on d6. +1 for one additional person, +2 for two additional.

Locked doors are opened with a successful Pick Locks TR on 2d6.

50.1 Construction Costs

Construction costs listed on p50 are for tools and materials. Additional expenses must be added for labor and supervision.

Earth Excavation

A Ditch 100’ long x 10’ deep x 20’ wide (20,000 ft3) takes 18 to 24 man-weeks to excavate

Approximately 900-1,200 man-hours, 20 ft3/hour

A shallower ditch, up to 3’ deep, can be excavated much faster, without shoring up, at 40 ft3/hour

Wood Construction

A basic structure such as a shed, barn, hut, palisade, of 10’ x 10’ x 10 volume/length in 3-4 man-days (30-40 man-hours)

Stone Construction

Basic stonework & masonry of 10’ x 10’ x 10 volume/length in 3-4 man-weeks (150-200 man-hours)

An Engineer is required for any structure more complex than a hut or shed, especially if more than one-storey. Engineers are paid by the month, even if a project takes less than one month to complete.

Experienced Soldiers or Laborers can dig ditches or build simple structures with basic supervision. The presence of an Engineer on simple projects reduces the construction time by 5-20%.

52.1 Experience and Level Training

Characters advance in experience and expertise by fighting monsters, overcoming obstacles, and bringing lost treasures back to civilization.

Monster XP are determined by the HD & any special abilities they might have.

Treasure XP is earned at a rate of 1 XP per GP value of treasure brought into a settlement.

XP Limits

An adventurer may gain enough experience during an adventure to advance to the next level, or more. A PC that gains experience in excess of the amount needed for their next level will not be able to accumulate any more until they train up to the appropriate level.


A Fighter needs 2,001 XP to be eligible for second level. Once this threshold has been passed, a PC cannot gain any more XP until they have completed their training for second level.

Training costs 1,000 GP per week. Training takes a number of weeks equal to the PC's grade for the previous adventures.

A PC who has done a fair job at fulfilling their role as a character and alignment in one adventure, will get a score of 2. In the next adventure they do an exemplary job of role-play, and get a score of 1. In the second adventure session, they gain enough experience to advance a level. Their average Grade is 1.5, so Training will take 1.5 weeks and cost 1,500 GP.

Ex: a third-level Fighter has accumulated 6,550 XP. They go on an adventure and return with treasure valued at 3,000 GP. Their XP total is now 9,550 which is 1,449 more than the 8001 needed for fourth level. The fighter will not be able to gain any more XP until they complete their training. The Grades for the previous four adventures (since advancing from 2nd level to 3rd) are 2,2,1,2. Training will take 1.75 weeks and cost 1,750 GP.

Maximum Training time is four weeks for all levels

55.1 Surprise and Encounter Distance

In the dungeon an encounter takes place at d6+1 inches, if neither party is surprised.

The distance is 1d3 inches for the surprised party.

Outdoors the distance is 2d6+2 inches, depending on terrain.

56.1 Initiative

In each Combat Round (of ten seconds), the participants follow this schema:

  1. Surprise Attacks (in DEX order)
  2. Spells and spell-like effects (simultaneous)
  3. Missile Attacks (simultaneous)
  4. Charges, Melee and other actions
  5. Non-combat Movement

Initiative order is based on DEX score, in descending order.


  • Grapple/unarmed attack +2
  • Small or thrusting weapon +1
  • Surprised -2
  • Blinded -4

Missile Weapons attack in a Volley, which is to say the target is randomized. (Within about 30 degrees of arc in the shooting direction) If a character is armed with a shield, they can voluntarily become the target of a volley shot against an adjacent character. A character with a missile weapon can choose a target, doing so incurs a -2 To Hit penalty.