The Gylder NPC Class


Most professions found in the towns cities and settlements have organizations that teach regulate and protect the organization's members. These organizations are usually called gylds. There are gylds for Masons, Carpenters, clothiers, weavers, and so forth.

The gylded professions are usually taught from one generation to the next by means of the apprentice system. Professions are often beset by outsiders who either want to learn the trade without contributing to the gyld or others who try to take money from the gyld and its members through unfair taxation theft and the like. Thus many gylds will teach a proprietor some minor magics that range in power somewhere between Cantrips and second-level magic user spells. Only Grandmasters of a gyld might be able to cast a spell equivalent to a second-level magic-user spell.

There are a variety of Cantrips available:

  • ·         Stir
  • ·         Mix
  • ·         Clean
  • ·         Wipe
  • ·         Dry
  • ·         Moisten
  • ·         Hold
  • ·         Freshen/Dirty
  • ·         Color
  • ·         Gather/Scatter
  • ·         Remove/Scatter Dust
  • ·         Polish/Tarnish
  • ·         Ravel
  • ·         Tangle/Untangle
  • ·         Stitch
  • ·         Flavor
  • ·         Wrap
  • ·         Wilt

The average Gylder or tradesman is 33% likely to know one useful cantrip.

If the Gylder or tradesman knows at least one can trip, there is a 50% chance that the figure will have the capacity to learn 1st level spells, and a 25% chance they will have the capacity to learn 2nd level spells..

A number or range of numbers in parentheses after the listing indicates the number of Cantrips usable by a figure in a single day. They may also be able to use other minor magics called Mysteries.

Spells Known and Usable

01-33                    No other magic known.

34-50                    Able to cast spells up to the Mystery level of complexity.

51-90                   Able to cast spells up to the 1st level of complexity. Maximum of three per day.

76-90                    Able to cast spells up to the 2nd level of complexity. Maximum of two per day.

91-00                    Able to cast the maximum number of spells their level allows..

Cantrips and Mysteries, as well as magic-user spells, are learned from books. The chance to know each listed spell as per the intelligence table in the rule book must be rolled for Cantrips and Mysteries as well as regular spells.

Mysteries: more minor magics

Mysteries are very minor forms of magic used to protect a professional from attacks and to protect his shop and goods from theft and other forces. Common Mysteries include:

  • ·         Alarm,
  • ·         Appreciate,
  • ·         Belle,
  • ·         Drowsiness,
  • ·         Glue,
  • ·         Grab,
  • ·         Hound,
  • ·         Lapse,
  • ·         Lock,
  • ·         Pacify,
  • ·         Panic,
  • ·         Spin

Mystery Details

1. Alarm: This magic will allow the shopkeeper’s voice to become four times louder than normal for one round so that he/she can call for help. The volume of the voice will not directly affect the offending person but might cause him or her to run off.

2. Appreciate: This is used on a person to get him or her to see more quality in an item. It can cause the victim to pay up to 20% more than he or she would have paid for an item, because now he or she is convinced of its higher value. The victim is allowed a saving throw if the item is valued at under 10 gp; a save at +2 if the value is 10-99 gp; a save at +5 for items valued at 100-199 gp, and a save at +8 if the value is 200 gp or more. Appreciate cannot convince someone an item is magical in any case. If the victim makes the saving throw, he or she will not buy the item unless the price drops by at least 40%.

3. Bell: This uses an actual bell as a material component. The dweomer is cast on the bell after it is placed near a door or some item that the shopkeeper wishes to guard. The duration of the bell is 8 hours or until the bell has sounded. Any living thing coming within 3 feet of the bell will cause it to ring once.

4. Drowsiness: This can be applied to any person or group of persons who add up to no more than 4th level or 4 hit dice. Men-at-arms, 0-level figures, and monsters of less than 1 hit die equal one level each for this calculation. The victim(s) must be inside a 20-foot-square area no more than 40 feet away from the Gylder. There is no saving throw. The victim (s) will feel drowsy for 1 round, and during that time is -2 to hit and -2 on initiative rolls. The victim(s) will not feel obliged to move unless a direct danger to it/them exists. The magic affects all creatures that are vulnerable to a Charm Person spell.

5. Glue: This magic is applied to an item and another surface of less than one square foot each (the binding surfaces, that is). The two surfaces will stay bound together for 5-20 rounds. Since the surfaces must be touched to each other within a l-segment span, the spell can almost never be applied to another living being but is usually used to make an item in the shop pilfer-proof for a few minutes.

6. Grab: This can be applied to any single immobile object that weighs 10 pounds or less and is not already being held by a living creature. If the shopkeeper casts Grab on an item (range 30 feet, duration 1 turn), the magic will hold it fast in place. A character or creature with strength of 18(01) or greater can break the Grab, at a percentage chance equal to its exceptional strength number.

7. Hound: This is cast on any living creature of animal intelligence that can be trained to be alert, such as a bird or a cat. When the dweomer is cast on the animal (who is allowed a saving throw of 9), the animal will bark like a large dog instead of its normal sound for a period of one minute. The duration of the magic is 6 hours or until the animal “barks.” If the animal makes its saving throw then it cannot bark; alas, the shopkeeper cannot know for sure if the spell has taken effect or not.

8. Lapse: This is applied to one figure at a time. If the intended victim fails a normal saving throw, he or she is effectively paralyzed for 3-12 segments— but if and only if no attack from the caster of the magic is forthcoming. If the caster moves to physically harm the paralyzed figure, the spell breaks instantly. Someone else could attack, of course, but if the paralyzed figure can see the attack coming, he or she is allowed a second saving throw instantly. Another saving throw is allowed after any successful attack on the victim, to see if the blow “breaks” the paralysis before the Lapse duration expires. Such a paralyzed figure has some small amount of mobility left, so he or she cannot necessarily be killed outright.

9. Lock: The material component for this magic is a key that exactly fits the lock in question. A skeleton key will not do, but an exact duplicate of an original key would suffice. The shop owner holds the key and makes a locking or unlocking motion to open or close the lock in question. Range of the magic is up to 40 feet. The magic can be used to lock and unlock (or vice versa) the same lock with one application, if the two actions are done within 10 minutes of each other and the key never leaves the caster’s hand during that time.

10. Pacify: This is applied to a single person who is badly disposed toward the shopkeeper (but open melee cannot have occurred). The Pacify magic will change the person’s frame of mind for 2-5 rounds. Targets of under 4th level obtain no saving throw; those of 4th level and above obtain the standard saving throw. Range is 20 feet. Pacify is usually used to prevent melee and as a way to ease a person out of the shop before the magic wears off. This spell is not a charm, and thus the shopkeeper cannot obtain services, information or goods from the person.

11. Panic: This can be applied to one figure by touch. He or she (again, only “persons” can be so attacked) is allowed a normal saving throw. If it fails, the person will run away for 5-20 segments, but will not drop anything held in any case. The victim can defend himself or herself if chased or attacked. The victim is only afraid of the shopkeeper.

12. Spin: This is used on a single person at a maximum range of 20 feet. If the intended victim fails a saving throw, he or she will spin around for the next 2-8 segments. He or she cannot attack but can defend (at -2) while pirouetting. All mysteries take 1 segment to cast. They begin at the start of a melee segment and end at the end of the segment. If the DM considers all blows with weapons to land in the middle of a segment, it will be simple to determine if the attempted casting of a mystery is ruined by a blow or by the touching of the spellcasting shopkeeper.


Guild masters’ spells

The spells known by master guild members are usually defensive or informational. The following spells are the ones most often known by guild masters:

First level M-U spells

01-12    Unseen Servant

13-20    Comprehend Languages

21-27    Hold Portal 28-34 Mending

35-42    Tenser’s Floating Disc

43-50    Ventriloquism

51-54    Write

55-57    Affect Normal Fires

58           Burning Hands *

59           Charm Person *

60           Detect Magic

61-67    Enlarge

68-74    Reduce

75           Erase

76-79    Feather Fall

80-82    Friends

83           Jump

84-86    Light

87-88    Darkness

89           Magic Missile *

90           Nystul’s Magic Aura

91-92    Protection from Evil

93-94    Push

95-99    Shield

00           Sleep *

Second-level M-U spells

01-16    Audible Glamour

17-18    Detect Evil

19           Detect invisibility

20-28    ESP

29           Fools Gold

30-39    Forget

40           Invisibility

41-43    Knock

44-50    Leomund’s Trap

51           Levitate

52-54    Locate Object

55-60    Magic Mouth

61-67    Mirror Image

68           Pyrotechnics

69           Ray of Enfeeblement *

70           Rope Trick

71-80    Scare

81-88    Strength

89           Web *

90-00    Wizard Lock



* Spells in italics are Offensive spells and should be handled very carefully. They may not be available to all Gyld members.

Gyld languages

The gylds and trades that use Cantrips, Mysteries, and actual magicks have developed their own languages and symbols for the text of these spells. Thus if a magic user found a book of Gylder Cantrips and Mysteries the magic user would not be able to use them without casting comprehend languages first.

See the Intelligence chart in the Blueholme Jouneymanne book for the full number of languages allowed to a Gylder NPC.

Foiling theft - Locks

Gylders and tradesmen who cannot cast Cantrips, Mysteries, or low-level magic-user spells and who are not retired adventurers can still protect their goods from theft. The easiest solution is a series of well-placed locks. Larger centers of population might have complex locks that reduce a thief's chance of picking them by additional levels of difficulty.

The basic level of difficulty of a lock is one, and the highest available in any given settlement is Market Class + 1.

Task Resolution Chart

Difficulty Level

(Roll 2d6 over)










PC Level




























































































Use the Task Resolution Chart for determining the success or failure of appropriate Gylder Abilities. Each Ability will have modifiers based on level.


One of the most important aspects of the Gylder class is the ability to determine the value of an object. A Gylder will appraise any item for someone else charging a fee of 1% of the value of the item per level of the Gylder.

Gylders receive a +2 bonus to their die roll for Appraising on the Task Resolution Chart.

Fast talking

Gylders have the ability to fast talk to make a deal; this is treated as a Suggestion spell. The victim is entitled to a saving throw on 1d20. This suggestion power can be used once per day per level of the Gylder. If the victim fails his roll he believes he got a good deal for a number of turns equal to (20 – victim WIS). Gylders of level 9 and above may, in addition, talk so persuasively that they can cast a Mass Suggestion once per day.


Gylders are able to haggle over the prices of their wares to achieve the greatest profit they can manage. This ability will allow a Gylder to purchase goods for trade in one settlement for a discount, and then sell them in the next settlement for a larger profit.

Gylders receive a +2 bonus to their die roll for Haggling on the Task Resolution Chart. They will receive an additional +1 for every three points of INT they have as an advantage over the person with whom they are negotiating. Success indicates a change in the price of the item or service in the Gylder’s favor. Failure means they simply pay the asking price.

Die Roll Difference    Price Modifier

                                                Buying                  Selling

+1                                           -5%                        +3%

+2                                           -10%                     +6%

+3                                           -15%                     +9%

+4                                           -20%                     +12%

+5                                           -25%                     +15%

Reaction Roll

A Gylder receives a +1 bonus to any reaction rolls during an encounter. The bonus is +2 if the Gylder speaks the local language (rather than trading in Common).

Gylder caravan

The Gylder caravan described on page 69 of the AD&D monster manual is a perfect description of how Gylders travel the following additional characters will accompany every caravan, replacing the tradesman given in the monster manual.

  • ·         One head Gylder of the 8th to 12th level;
  • ·         one to three overseer Gylders of 5th to 7th level;
  • ·         1 to 6 Gylders of the second level; and,
  • ·         3 to 18 Gylders of the first level.

Caravans include a number of people depending on the amount of merchandise. There are 50 caravan staff for every 10,000 GP worth of goods up to a maximum of 300 people and 60,000 GP.

Gylder Class Description

Table 1 Gylder Type Encountered

1dl00                    Gylder

01-50                    No previous class

51-75                    Ex-fighter

76-95                    Ex-magic-user

96-100                 Ex-cleric


Table 2 Gylder Levels and Experience

Experience points            Level

0-1,500                                1

1,501-3,000                       2

3,001-5,000                       3

5,001-10,000                     4

10,001-20,000                  5

20,001-40,000                  6

40,001-75,000                  7

75,001-135,000                8

135,001-220,000             9

220,001-440,000             10

440,001-660,000             11

660,001-880,000             12

Gylders use six-sided dice for accumulated hit points.



Table 3 Spells Usable by Class and Level

Gylder level                        Spell level

                       Cantrip         Mystery               LI             LII

1                 -              -                              -              -

2                 1             -                              -              -

3                 2             1                             -              -

4                 3             1                             1             -

5                 3             2                             2             -

6                 4             2                             3             -

7                 4             3                             4             1

8                 4             3                             4             2

9                 4             4                             4             3

10               4**         5                             4             4


Read Magic and Detect Magic will be the first two spells that a Gylder character will be trained to cast & copy into their book of spells.


