Winning as an RPG Player

One of the players in this campaign, who goes by the nom de guerre Brigadine, has shared a great blog post with some tips on being a better Player in an RPG Campaign. He has graciously allowed me to share a snippet here:

Winning as a Player

This is a thread that I posted to Twitter, thus the abbreviated length and detail. I may go into it further later but I wanted to share it here as well. Enjoy.

The conversation around success at RPGs has been focused around DMing properly because most of the people involved in the discussion are DMs. The player side of the table needs some attention so I’m going to share some advice to lead your adventuring party to the next level.

My perspective is from the brOSR lens of 1:1 time, use of downtime, and Patrons. I have no interest in debating the viability of these gaming mechanics. They simply are. The advice that I offer will be valuable even in conventional games but shines best in the light of the aforementioned mechanics.

The single most important thing that affects your success at the table is the cohesion of the players in the game. Everyone needs to be on the same page in regards to why they’re playing and what they hope to get out of it. Some call it alignment language, which I think is apt, but whatever you call it, you have to be a unit as people before you can be one as PCs.

The most successful parties are smaller. You get diminishing returns on party sizes above 4 in every aspect of the game but combat effectiveness and downtime hook generation. Efficiency is key to success and smaller parties are more efficient.

You must set goals as a group. Chasing every random hook that pops up leads to chaos and ineffectiveness. Ignore a rumor or hook in favor of your stated goal. Focus on the task at hand and execute in pursuit of that goal, always.

Read the whole thing here: Winning As A Player
