Specialty Clerics - Demeter


Patron Deity Specialties

Each temple has its own special training and techniques, giving clerics of different Patron Deities varying powers, spell lists, and special Class Abilities. As cleric PCs are added to the game, the various deities and their specialties will be added.


Tracking +1
Foraging +1
Consecrated Hunting Spear, 7' ("counts as" a Silver weapon)
Consecrated Short Bow
As a cleric of Demeter gains experience, they become more adept at surviving and thriving in the wild. The cleric must choose a biome to become an "expert" in, such as Prairie, Forest, Swamp, etc. Within this chosen biome the cleric is treated as one level higher for purposes of Task Resolution for appropriate activities.

- L2: Identify Plants
- L3: Identify Animal Sign
- L5: Identify Monster Sign
