Specialty Clerics - Tyche


Patron Deity Specialties

Each temple has its own special training and techniques, giving clerics of different Patron Deities varying powers, spell lists, and special Class Abilities. As cleric PCs are added to the game, the various deities and their specialties will be added.

The Cult of Fortuna

The Cult of Tyche, goddess of fortune. The priests of Tyche wear pale green robes with crimson trim. Their escutcheon is a white field with a crimson pentagram.
Starting prayers include: Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Evil, Purify Comestibles

Weapons of Choice: Clerics of Tyche prefer to wield double-chained flails, polearms with a khopesh-like blade at each end, or a hatchet with a pointed blade that can be thrown or used in melee.

All clerics of Tyche can perform an Augury once per week:

Explanation/Description: The cleric casting an augury spell seeks to divine whether an action in the immediate future (within 1 day) will be for the benefit of, or harmful to, the party. This ritual takes 30 minutes to perform. The cleric will need quiet and calm in order to concentrate. The base chance for correctly divining the augury is 70%. plus 1 % for each level of the cleric casting the spell, i.e. 71% at 1st level, 72% at 2nd, etc. Your referee will determine any adjustments due for the particular conditions of each augury (for example, chaotic conditions nearby, such as combat or a great storm, will confer a -20% penalty). The material component for augury is a set of inlaid sticks or bones, created by the PC himself, at an expense of 100GP. The sticks or bones may be re-used.

Clerics of Tyche have a -1 penalty to the die score when attempting to Turn Undead

At the appropriate level, clerics of Tyche gain the following special abilities:

3. "Pushing your Luck" - once per day the cleric may adjust any die roll by +/- 1.

5. "Sense of Place" - once per day the cleric can extend their perceptions (this takes one minute of concentration) and determine the result of something that happened (up to one day ago) in a specific place, whether it was good or ill. Each odd level the elapsed time since the occurrence increases by scale (Level 7 = 1 week, L9 = 1 month, L11 = 1 year...)

7. (WIP)
